Wednesday, April 29, 2009


This was the second birthday that I have celebrated here in Scotland and both years I have had respiratory practical classes (luckily this year I was not sick and did not have to be the example in class). We had 'patients' from the community come in and act for us so we could do pre and post op assessments, it turned out to be pretty good. The best part I think, was when I was talking to my 'patient' before we started and he asked me what part of Ireland I was from. He was very shocked that I was actually from the US. At lunch we all had chocolate cake, Caryn made it and it was very delicious! Then after the 6.5 hours of class Safina, Caryn and I decided that we needed to go out for a drink so the three of us plus Rod went to drinks and this pub called Dizzy's. It was pretty dead but the pub was really nice and it turned out to be great fun. On friday Safina, Caryn and I are renting a car and going to go do some hill walking outside of Aberdeen and then on Saturaday I am having the whole gang over to mine for cheesecake and sangria to round off the week of celebrating my birthday!

Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes and gifts!

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This blog is about three sisters!
