Friday, February 4, 2011

New Years Resolutions

January is the traditional time for New Years resolutions to begin and end. Many of these resolutions at least in my experience are pretty vague like be more organized or eat healthier. Worthy endeavors yes, but not very quantifiable. This year I decided to not fall into the resolution trap but instead decided to seat reasonable and quantifiable goals.

Resolutions #1. 52 books in 52 weeks
Monday - Sunday read one complete book. Somewhat reasonable for a seasoned reader like me. Especially if I can recognize my time constraints and not start Anna Karenina on a Tuesday. I'm feeling pretty confident about this challenge, although I do have to admit the books I selected for January were somewhat thin and easy reading. February I will have to take it up a notch.
The 4 books I read:

News from Thrush Green by Miss Read
Battles in Thrush Green by Miss Read
Return to Thrush Green by Miss Read
Free range Knitter by Stephanie Pearl McPhee

Resolution # 2 Knit 1 sock per month
Most of the yarn stores I visit and a lot of the knitting blogs I read, people are always talking about sock of the month clubs. Usually this entails knitting a pair of socks each month & usually it involves having a yarn store send you a new pattern & yarn each month. I think knitting a pair of socks in 30 days as well as any other knitting I might want to be doing is a little much. So I'm imposing my own sock of the month club, where I just knit one the next month I will knit the mate. By the end of the year I will have six pairs of socks in my drawer which I think is a good start.

Resolution # 3 Charity knitting
I knit a lot, I really do and I usually give away most of what I knit to friends and family members. A friend recently got me to help knitting preemie hats for the VOGUE charity drive, which was very simple and fun. It got me thinking about how these hats were being mailed to New York City but there were probably lots of babies in my local area that needed hats too. After a call to one of the local hospital NICU's, I found out that hardly any hats are ever donated but they would be much appreciated. So starting this week, during our weekly lunch knitting group at work I'm going to be knitting baby hats to send to the local NICU.

Happy New Year!


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